Have you faced “Nobody gives a Shit.”

2 min readJun 16, 2024


This is about Parul, a young, ambitious bank executive known for her dedication and hard work. Fresh out of college, she landed a job at a prestigious bank, determined to make a mark in the financial world. The demanding environment of her workplace, led Parul grappling with an unsettling realization: “Nobody gives a Shit.”

In the early days of her career, Parul was eager to impress her superiors and colleagues. She poured her heart and soul into every task, often working late hours and sacrificing personal time. Despite her efforts, she felt invisible. Her contributions went unnoticed, and her ideas were frequently overlooked in meetings. This lack of recognition began to weigh heavily on her.

Parul’s self-esteem took a hit as she constantly sought validation from her colleagues and superiors. She compared herself to her peers, many of whom seemed to effortlessly gain praise and promotions. The pressure to meet these expectations became overwhelming, leading to feelings of inadequacy and despair.

As the days turned into months, Parul’s mood darkened. She started to withdraw from social activities, isolating herself from friends and family. The belief that no one cared about her efforts or struggles deepened her sense of isolation. She stopped pursuing hobbies she once loved, convinced that her energy was better spent trying to prove herself at work.

One evening, after yet another long day at the office, Parul sat alone in her apartment, feeling utterly defeated. It was then that she had an epiphany. She realized that her relentless pursuit of external validation was robbing her of joy and fulfillment. She thought, “If nobody gives a shit, why should I let that control my happiness?”

Liberation from Expectations: Determined to change her mindset, Parul decided to stop seeking approval from others. She started focusing on what made her happy and fulfilled, rather than what she thought would impress others. This shift in perspective was liberating. Parul began to set her own goals and standards, independent of external expectations.

Parul started living more authentically. She rekindled her passion for painting, a hobby she had abandoned. She began to express her ideas more confidently in meetings, not worrying about whether they would be accepted or praised. This newfound authenticity brought a sense of joy and purpose to her life.

As Parul embraced her true self, she attracted like-minded individuals. She formed deeper connections with colleagues who appreciated her for who she was. These relationships provided a supportive network, reinforcing her positive outlook and reducing her feelings of isolation.

With a positive stance, Parul began to thrive even in the face of challenges. She viewed setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning. Her resilience and cheerful attitude enabled her to navigate the ups and downs of her career with confidence and grace.




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